Vision : georgia Vision of the Institute is to create professional manpower relevant to management and computer specialization. The Institute strives to provide innovative educational services of high quality to enrich students learning create employability through skill enhancement and entrepreneurial abilities and an impacting personality in the students. The Institute is keen towards regular and continuous faculty development and promotes research and development and consultancy in the areas of cooperation management rural development and computer applications.
Mission : georgia The distinctive mission of the Institute is to provide long term societal benefits through transmitting advanced knowledge in the fields of cooperation management rural development and computer applications discovering new knowledge and functioning as an active working repository of organised knowledge. The obligation more specifically includes education training and research in the fields of cooperation management rural development and computer applications.
Vision Of Chairman : georgia -size: of the Institute is to create professional manpower relevant to management and computer specialization. The Institute strives to provide innovative educational services of high quality to enrich students learning create employability through skill enhancement and entrepreneurial abilities and an impacting personality in the students. The Institute is keen towards regular and continuous faculty development and promotes research and development and cons.ultancy in the areas of cooperation management rural development and computer applications.
Youtube Link :
Slide Show : http://nicm.coopcontent.php?name=Take%20a%20Tour